I was excited to try it, and even without and fiber-glassing experience, I somehow managed to trial and error it to the finished stage.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics in the 'during stage' of this project, but I'll walk you through it.
1. I taped off the rear end of the bike, just as in the instructions. I used a cardboard base for the form.
2. Once I was happy with the tape, I laid down some aluminum foil, shiny side up. (cheaper than the aluminum tape, but probably not the best compromise since it is alot thinner.)
3. Once the aluminum foil was in place, smoothed out and taped down, I applied a few coats of car wax. (Which didn't work as well as the mold release wax would have)
4. I cut out several pieces of fiberglass mat, and mixed my first batch of resin. Needless to say, I put way too much hardener in the mix, and it hardened up within 5 minutes. The second batch, I used half as much hardener, and it lasted about 10 minutes. So in the successive batches, I used less and less hardener. I never really got it right, as the last batch actually took a few days to cure.
5. Once the mat was cured, I made a trip to Lowe's and picked up some bolts to glass into the pan so I don't have to worry about the seat flying off. I drilled the holes, sunk the bolts and glassed them in with another 2 coats of mat before finishing it off with fiberglass cloth.
The whole thing looked like a giant mess, and I was sure I completely messed it up, but once it was cured, and I trimmed it to fit, I am actually happy with the end result. Pics:
The seat bolts glassed in.....

Fitting the seat pan.... (Note use of gloves to keep that crud out of my hand)


Bolts thru bottom of pan and into frame...

Finished seat pan. Fit is right, now it's time for foam and covering. Haven't decided on what to do with it just yet but I have time.